Dan's Travels: China and Trans-Mongolia

Taking the scenic route to London (via China, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Russia, Czech Republic and Slovakia).

Saturday, April 15, 2006

One last post....

Well after almost seven weeks on the road, we finally made it to our final pit-stop, London. So, sadly, that's it for this adventure, but, in the word's of Russell Coight: "We've seen some pretty special places and met some pretty special people."

If you've been checking this blog from time-to-time, you can probably guess that I've had the time of my life! I've just been constantly amazed by what we've seen and done, and by the people we've met. It seems like such a long time ago since we left Melbourne, and just looking back at it all, I can't believe we've covered so many miles and been through so many places.

It would be impossible to pick out the main highlights without going on forever, but if I had to pick one stand-out, it would be standing on the Great Wall of China at sunrise with nobody else around, and not a thing to be heard, looking over one of the most incredible landscapes you could imagine. Definitely one of those moments to stay with you for the rest of your life.

It's been great to be able to share all these experiences along the way through this blog - hope you've enjoyed keeping up to date with where we've been in the world. And maybe it's even served as some inspiration to anybody thinking of doing this or similar trips (do it, do it!).

Thanks so much for all the emails and comments along the way - even those hassling me when I hadn't updated the site for a while! :) It's been great hearing from everyone along the way, and getting updated on all the news on the homefront (Hawks won in round 1? What?).

And also a big thanks to Steph, firstly for coming along on this crazy trip with me, and then for putting-up with me the whole way! Hope you got as much out of the trip as I did - thanks heaps, and Happy Birthday!

Well that's about it. Time for real life to kick-in as I start my life in London with the hunt for jobs and a place to live... but bring it on! Pretty excited about setting-up here for a while - will keep you posted on how it all turns out.

And Happy Easter everyone - hope you're all safe, well and happy.

Take care and keep in touch.

Razza... out.


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